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Showing posts with label bad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Definitely A Bad Round - Swing Sparks Fire

Now this is a really bad round, according to this news release, Golfer's swing snags rock, sparks fire in S. Calif

This year in California, I've been mindful of the bounty of poisonous snakes. Who would think or worry about starting a fire with a swing?!

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Taste Buds Gone Bad From Pine Nuts

Pine nutsImage via WikipediaI love food and I love wine.  Heaven forbid my taste buds should get out of whack.  If you're a foodie too, you should know about "Pine Mouth." I learned about this syndrome from this ABC news article, 'Pine Mouth': How Pine Nuts Can Ruin Tastebuds for Weeks - Some Pine Nuts Lead to Temporary 'Pine Mouth Syndrome'

Apparently, awareness about this is growing, as evidenced by this Journal of Toxicology article, "Pine mouth" syndrome: cacogeusia following ingestion of pine nuts (genus: pinus). An emerging problem?

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jerk Traveler Worse Than Big Carry-On Rule Breaker

JetBlue Airbus 320 coming in to land at Oaklan...Image via Wikipedia
The JetBlue attendant meltdown sure struck a chord with folks.  This SF Gate article stirred up a litany of comments, Worse on a plane: Oversized carry-on or jerk passenger?

I'd say it depends.  If the oversized offender took up space over my seat, was impolite, and bonked me on the head, then that person is worse.  If the jerk is just all out obnoxious, they should win easily, hands-down.

Wishing you safe, sound, and peaceful travels!

The Global Etiquette Guide to Europe: Everything You Need to Know for Business and Travel Success (Global Etiquette Guides)

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